The Life of Christ: A Return to Galilee (part 5)

6/27/18 Wednesday Bible Class

Teacher: Justin P. Sivley
A final lesson in this look at Jesus last teachings in Galilee, before he shifted the focus of his work to Judea and the surrounding areas.  This week we follow-up on the lessons around being like children and remembering what true greatness in the kingdom is like, and look at Matthew’s record for some important lessons regarding problems between brethren.

The Life of Christ: Return to Galilee (part 4)

6/20/18 Wednesday Bible Class

Teacher: Justin P. Sivley
Covering the time when Jesus returned to Galilee for a brief time before moving the focus of his ministry to the area around Judea. We focus throughout these lessons on the disciples contention about who was the greatest among them and Jesus’ response to them.

Can the Saved be Lost? Answering the Doctrine of Perseverance – 2 Pet 2:20-22

6/24/18 p.m. sermon

Speaker: Justin P. Sivley
As we come to a close of our study of the five core doctrines of Calvinism, we examine the final, and perhaps most dangerous of those ideas.  The doctrine known as Perseverance of the Saints is sometimes known as eternal security, or once saved always saved, and it has led countless people believing that they are safe, when in fact they have fallen from grace.

The Greatest Offer You’ll Ever Receive – Acts 24:22-25

6/24/18 a.m. sermon

Speaker: Justin P Sivley
We are bombarded with various offers every day, and many of them we will simply ignore because they mean nothing to us. But there is one offer, the offer of God’s grace through Jesus Christ that we must be sure not to ignore.  The consequences of refusing to accept that offer are far too great.

Ephesians 2:11-22

6/24/18 Sunday Bible Class

Teacher: Jim Roquemore
We return to our study of the book of Ephesians, focusing today on Chapter 2, verses 11-22.   We are reminded that God has unified people of different backgrounds in his church, and we have a responsibility to maintain that unity, knowing that Christ died to make us one.

For Whom Did Christ Die? – An Answer to the Doctrine of Limited Atonement – Matthew 26:28

6/10/18 p.m. sermon

Speaker: Justin P. Sivley
In this evening lesson, we continue examining the five core doctrines of Calvinism, focusing on the third part of the TULIP acronym, Limited Atonement.  Through this lesson, we hope to demonstrate that Christ died to give all people the opportunity to be saved, and to teach anything different robs the gospel of it’s power to save (Rom. 1:16)

Jesus Accepts the Crown – John 19:1-3; Philippians 2:5-8

6/10/18 a.m. sermon

Speaker: Justin P. Sivley
In our lesson from Sunday morning, we examine the humility of Jesus from Philippians 2:5-8, with an emphasis on crowns that are associated with our Lord’s work, including the crown he gave up by emptying himself to become a man We also consider the crowns he put on, such as the crown of thorns, and after his resurrection, the crown of glory and honor. Finally, we consider the crown which he has promised to those who are his.